[Khóa luận tốt nghiệp] 16S metagenomics analysis of endometrial microbiota in Vietnamese woman
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Thông tin tài liệu
STATEMENT OF ORIGINAL AUTHORSHIP ................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................... 3
TABLE OF CONTENT ....................................................................................... i
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ..........................
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. 7
LIST OF FIGURES ..........................................
PART ONE: INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 9
1.1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 9
1.2. Aims and requirements ................................................................................ 12
1.2.1 Aims ........................................................................................................... 12
1.2.2. Requirements ............................................................................................ 12
PART TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................ 13
2.1. The importance of 16S metagenomics ......................................................... 13
2.2. Choosing the Appropriate Target Region ....
2.3. Taxonomic Classification: The Growing of 16S rRNA Databanks .....
2.4. Bioinformatics pipelines for micrbial 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing
2.5. Human Endometrial Microbiota ..................
2.5.1.Relevant researches over the world ...........
2.5.2.Asia ............................................................
2. 5.3. ASEAN ................................ ................................ ..............
2.5.4. Vietnam .....................................................
PART THREE: MATERIALS AND METHODS ......................................... 27
3.1. Location and duration of the study .............................................................. 27
3.2. Materials ....................................................................................................... 27
3.2.1. DNA Extraction ........................................ Samples .................................................. DNA Purification from Body Fluids .....
3.2.2. Amplication V3-V4 region on 16S micrbial genes
3.2.3. Library Preparation ................................... PCR Clean-up ........................................ Index PCR .............................................. PCR Clearn-up 2 .................................... Library quantification, Normalization, and Pooling
3.3. Methods ........................................................
3.3.1. Data analysis ............................................. Amplicon bioinformatics: from raw reads to tables Filter and trim......................................... Learn the Error Rates ............................. Merge paired reads ................................. Construct sequence table........................ Remove chimeras ................................... Assign taxonomy ...................................
PART IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..................................................... 36
4.1.Bioinformatics pipeline .................................
4.1.1.Quality score of sequences .........................
4. 1.2. Filter and Trim ................................ ..........................
4.1.3. Finding true sequence variants .................
4.1.4. Merging Paired Reads ...............................
4.1.5. Contructing ASV table and removing chimeras
4.1.6. Assign taxonomy ......................................
4.1.7. Visualizing alpha-diversity .......................
4.1.8. Abundance bar plot ...................................
4.2. Discussion ....................................................
PART FIVE. REFERENCES ..........................
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