Mergers and Acquisitions - Turning your vision into reality
With experience, objectivity and a disciplined project management approach,
we bring structure to dynamic, high-risk M&A environments.
Reducing the risk of a critical business decision.
Buying, selling or restructuring your business is one of the most challenging,
critical decisions you will make.
Unfortunately, transaction success is not guaranteed. Historically, approximately
two-thirds of mergers and acquisitions fail to achieve their anticipated results, and
many actually destroy enterprise value.
Key reasons for failed transactions include:
• lack of transaction experience
• loss of deal objectivity by internal resources
• underestimation of the resources needed for deal assessment, due diligence or integration
• underestimation of the affect of management’s deal involvement on business performance
• absence of a disciplined transaction assessment process
• poor or absent integration plan and implementation management
• neglect of the soft side of the business – culture, communication, hr
Mitigating these issues and achieving your desired results requires an experienced, focused team, a methodical approach and strong technical and
business skills.
We’ll work closely with your management team to understand your business strategy, transaction goals and whether additional resources are required to
achieve your objectives. collaborating with your internal resources, our team will organize project requirements and provide the tools and analysis that will
enable you to make sound business decisions.
Turning your vision inTo realiTy