Foundations in Accountancy
7 ACCA Approved Interactive Text
Foundations in Accountancy MA2
For exams from 1 September 2016 to 31 August 20
BPP Learning Media is an ACCA Approved Content Provider for the Foundations in Accountancy qualification. This means we work closely with ACCA to ensure this Interactive Text contains the information you need to pass your exam. In this Interactive Text, which has been reviewed by the ACCA examination team, we: Highlight the most important elements in the syllabus and the key skills you need
Signpost how each chapter links to the syllabus and the study guide
Provide lots of exam focus points demonstrating what the examination team will want you to do
Emphasise key points in regular fast forward summaries
Test your knowledge in quick quizzes
Examine your understanding in our practice question bank
Reference all the important topics in our full index BPP’s Practice & Revision Kit also supports this paper.